
Tampa Bay Lightning


President Bill Lennox continues to promote Saint Leo throughout our community. In September 2016, Saint Leo University was one of the sponsors of One Community Now Stand Down for Pasco County veterans, which took place at Veterans Memorial Park in Hudson, FL. Dr. Lennox and his wife, Anne, attended the event, spoke to veterans, and served them steak dinners.

Also in September, Dr. Lennox served as honorary captain for the Tampa Bay Rays (pictured above) before their game against the New York Yankees. In early November, he assisted the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies in hosting Rabbi Abraham Skorka, a leader in the Jewish community and friend of Pope Francis, at University Campus. He also presented Rabbi Skorka with the Eternal Light Award following a presentation at Temple Emanu-El in Sarasota.

On March 1, Dr. Lennox was honored on the ice by the Tampa Bay Lightning at the National Hockey League matchup against the Carolina Hurricanes. He appeared in an episode of Military Makeover, airing on Lifetime Television®, in March. He is also active with the Florida Council of 100, serving as an ex officio member

Our alumni, students, faculty, and staff enjoy a variety of special events throughout the year. Take a few moments to experience Saint Leo in Pictures. Click on any photo below to learn more.


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Burke Tomaselli ’16 (left) and Zoe Mathieu ’16 facing off in the mock presidential debate. During fall semester, Saint Leo University students in a broad range of academic classes created a fictitious (but realistic) two-party American presidential campaign. Students assumed the roles of candidates, staff, press, security consultants, and other key players, culminating with a debate between the fictitious Republican and Democratic presidential nominees on November 13.