Saint Leo alumni share some of their best business advice.
With experience often comes new wisdom. We learn and grow through trial and error, the exploration of new ideas, and from others who have walked paths similar to ours.
In the spirit of continuous learning, we asked five Saint Leo alumni to share advice on success in business. May their words inspire you to live your best life, no matter where you are on the journey.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
“Quite often in life, one will have amazing ideas that can develop into solid goals. However, without discipline, those ideas and goals never become a reality. Saint Leo provided me with a disciplined bridge to stay on track while working toward my goals.”
Michael Fulton ’18
Supervisor of Crime Scene Division,
Houston Forensic Science Center

Don’t let your ideas sit on the sidelines.
“Putting an idea into motion has more value than perfecting an idea and letting it sit on the sidelines. I would rather take action on a thoughtful plan and be willing to course correct than labor endlessly over the what-ifs. People respond to decision-making and direction.”
Maggie Gill ’98
Chief Executive Officer, Delray Medical Center
Palm Beach Group CEO, Tenet Healthcare

Never ask your team to do anything you wouldn’t do.
“Make time to work alongside your people; it will show them you are on their team, not just leading it. When things get hectic, be the first to jump in. When your team sees that there is nothing that is ‘above you,’ they will be more than willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work as well. It supports your leader persona and makes it known that you’re not just coaching from the sidelines; you’re willing to get in and play if needed.”
Elizabeth Jimenez ’08
Director of Operations
Leadership Prep Brownsville Elementary Academy,
an Uncommon School
Brooklyn, NY

Many times the barrier to success is you.
“Leading in an ever-changing and demanding environment can be very challenging. Being self-aware, open to feedback, and cognizant of others’ goals and related impact will provide you the tools to develop not only a better self, but a successful organization. Investing in yourself and your team will produce a sustainable model and create a culture of excellence.”
Iskra Sbraccia ’05, ’09
Compliance Sanctions Director,
Independent Compliance Risk Management, Citi
Tampa, FL

Treat your clients like family.
“Many will deliver only the minimum during the typical 9-5 workday in order to get the job done. But those who go above and beyond for their clients and treat them like they are family often have not only a better working relationship with their clients, but also great relationships with future referrals from those clients. Take care of your clients, and they will take care of you.”
Kevin L. Sullivan II ’13
Senior Associate, Nicoletti Law Firm