
Pete Biscardi


The road that led Pete Biscardi ’70 to Saint Leo was similar to many. He wanted to go to a college in Florida, he loved sports, and most importantly, he had untapped potential just waiting to be unlocked.

Originally from Haledon, NJ, Biscardi was delighted to join many other students who also traveled from the Northeast to attend the university. Because of the remote location of the campus, Biscardi’s experience was made memorable by the relationships he developed with his classmates and professors. He also enjoyed playing intramural sports in the Bowl.

Biscardi recalls how one of his professors, Dr. James Horgan, inspired students to overachieve and to appreciate the unique opportunities and talents of individuals.

“Dr. Horgan valued the underdog—that was something many of us students could relate to,” Biscardi said.

Reflecting on how Saint Leo’s values have remained consistent since he was a student, Biscardi said, “When I walk around the campus today—the same campus where my journey began more than 50 years ago— I still see those values in action.”

The values Biscardi learned during his time in college stayed with him through his professional career. After graduating from Saint Leo College in 1970, Biscardi worked for Hertz Corp. for 16 years. He would later go on to serve as the president of National Auto Care (NAC) Corporation for more than 20 years.

“I hired the person, not the résumé,” Biscardi said when asked about how Saint Leo’s values carried with him after college. “I looked beyond the surface to find the best in people—the hidden gems.”

Now, Biscardi dedicates his time and talent to Saint Leo University as a member of the board of trustees. He believes that his life was made better by his experience at Saint Leo, and now as an alumnus, he recognizes an obligation to give back and invest in student-focused programs and athletic initiatives.

“I choose to give back to those who gave to me,” he said. “Saint Leo gave me an opportunity, and I am fortunate enough to continue that mission by giving opportunities to others.”

You, too, can be like Pete Bicardi and give back to Saint Leo University by investing in programs that matter to you.

To learn more about how you can support the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and doers, contact our Development Office by email at development@saintleo.edu or by phone at (352) 588-8450.