
Hurricane Maria


President Bill Lennox has remained busy in the last several months by supporting the university’s wide-ranging efforts and representing Saint Leo to the broader community.

The Fall 2017 semester had barely begun when he joined other university leadership in monitoring the tracks of and resulting damages from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. As Hurricane Irma approached Central Florida, he was among the nearly hundred staff members who remained at University Campus and ensured the safety of more than 600 students who sheltered in university buildings.

In September, Dr. Lennox was on hand at the ribbon cutting for the new ROTC space in Saint Francis Hall at University Campus.

On October 24, he delivered the keynote address to veterans at the Pasco County (FL) Board of County Commissioners Veterans Recognition Ceremony.

On November 9, Dr. Lennox welcomed veterans and active-duty military to the Military Recognition Event held at University Campus. In addition to employment opportunities, the event provided information about assistance with housing, education, stress relief, and more.

Ushering in the holiday season, he hosted the 1889 Society Christmas party on December 13. This festive event serves as a thank-you to the university’s dedicated donors.

In January, Dr. Lennox was accompanied by political science Instructor Frank Orlando, and two University Campus seniors, Cassidy Whitaker and Mark Saunders, on a visit to the Florida Legislature. Whitaker and Saunders are Saint Leo University’s representatives in the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida Presidential Fellows program. The purpose of the visit was to ask members of the legislature to continue to fund the Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG), which helps offset the cost of attendance at private colleges and universities in Florida. Whitaker and Saunders are both recipients of FRAG.

Header Photo: (Pictured left to right) Frank Orlando, Cassidy Whitaker, Senate Majority Leader Wilton Simpson, Mark Saunders, and Dr. Lennox